

Tad posted,

First off I want to start by saying that I am not bringing this up to piss anybody off or for people to start flaming and trolling about, but I think it is a subject that needs some discussion. I really like the fact that events are starting to cover more days of riding. That is what it is all about, at least a large part of it anyway. There have been several events this year where every time I take a charging run I’m constantly running into slopestyle freeriders ahead as I am getting lined up to throw down a predrift for a corner and instead end up having to foot brake instead, because I have no idea what this guy ahead is going to do next. Now Im not say that these guys shouldn’t be on the hill or anything. I just don’t think I should be charging past these guys at much higher speeds for safety sake. Most of you guys have tried to be real good about getting out of the way when people are charging from behind. But there needs to be better separation to us chargers can charge with worrying about flying into a corner and crashing iinto the back of someone doing a 180. The race organizers need to lay down some rules to keep us separated. It’s a simple thing. You just need to have the bombers go first. Not trying to hate on anyone but something needed to be said and discussed. It’s a safety issue, clear and simple. It really does not matter so much who goes first as far as that goes. But it would slow down the process to have the slopestyle guys go first.

2011 June 7 2:21 PM

bean replied,

I agree with Tad. Its kind of
frustrating to pay all this money and
travel expenses to go to these events
expecting closed roads only to have a
lot of your runs "muddled up" because
you have to people dodge around skaters
free riding down a race course.

2011 June 7 2:31 PM

Mexifly replied,

This is a biased opinion but I would even go a step further and say if there is a race and only one day of riding an open hill, eliminate the slopestyle all together. You can slopestyle anywhere, you do not need a closed road to do it. I am willing to spend the large amounts of money (entry fees, travel, accomidations) to do something I cannot do at home, ride a closed road as fast as possible, as many times as possible.

BTW the Cannuks are going to throw game 4 to win the cup at home...

2011 June 7 6:33 PM