
Open Thread For Ripping Up Victoria

Joe Lotus posted,

So i need more ppl here in vic to rip with. Myself i have been boarding for about a year and i have a Whiskey Militia Sector 9 and i am willing to throw myself down pretty much anything on it and have been in a few places here but haven't hit everything so ppl that could show me some hills where it would be sick...

2010 November 20 9:03 PM

Logan replied,

sick action, look for the vic skate threads, scroll down there's usually several sessions in each thread.

my number is 250-881-2295 i have the flu or i'd be skating today.

2010 November 21 12:40 PM

Joe Lotus replied,

Dope sauce, I am open to any time any day one thing i want to start doing is midnight runs. I am designing LED headlights that are set in the front riser so it will be easier to see the road ahead.

2010 November 21 3:49 PM