


I'm looking for an older chinook, I'm in van

2010 August 22 6:28 PM

Fuck the chinook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! replied,

Chinook sucks dick

2010 August 22 8:21 PM

Danny replied,

2010 August 23 3:22 AM

Danny replied,

Screw you. all of you, lol. First off, this guy wants to buy one, he doesn't want to hear why they suck; so if that's the only reason you're here, go elsewhere and start a new damn topic. Second, the Chinook has it's pros and cons, like every board. yes, it weighs an assload. YES, it turns like a goddamn Oil-tanker. No, it has literally no freeride capabilities. But it's also a shitload more stable than most downhill boards. And it maintains that stability while still having moderate maneuverability (unlike the it's Evo cousin). I have been rocking a Chinook since day one, and I've never had any problems with it. With a little UMPH, it does standies, pendies, 180s, you name it. If you have problems with a board, then it might not be the board that needs work, I think it is you who can only shred one type of board. It's great for beginners or people with the actual leg strength to slide the behemoth; and I'd sell you one of mine. email me at

2010 August 23 3:31 AM