

stankman posted,

Ive covered my ass in road rash and Im finding it very
difficult to do things, like poop.

does anyone have any tricks to dealing with both ass cheeks
being covered in open weeping wounds?

2010 July 30 1:05 PM

Kludy replied,

Alao Plant will take the heat away.

2010 July 30 1:25 PM

a past with rASSh replied,

oooh, bio oil. That stuff is pricey but it makes your skin feel amazing...its more or less for scar repair once your healed though...

best advice to make it go away fast...shave that shit and put some second skin dressing over it, the product is a bit on the expensive side, but it makes roadrash dissappear very quickly. Till then, squat, shower daily, and remember to lift your ass off the ground when your sliding from now on

2010 July 30 4:41 PM