
Big thanks to the DB8 Race Day Crew!

Smitty in Gibsons posted,

I wish I had had the chance to thank you all at Danger Bay!

Lori (raggie's mom) on crutches, working carnage. Denver Mace, sober and rock solid as always. Greengoat, Alysa and Brandon, working the top two turns. Turn Four, my friend Rick Albrecht at his FIRST Danger Bay, worked his ass off. Amber, press ganged by Striker, also working hard and KNOWS HER SHIT. The kid with the violin tattoo, also never worked a corner before, GOOD JOB.

The FINISH LINE TABLE GIRLS...Risking life and limb everytime Lou Dog crashed. They worked hard, they kept the finish order, and as always, kept Smitty entertained all day.

This sucks...But the young guy who worked the bottom barricade...Parents live on the hill...I cannot remember your name! Gaaah!

This happens when you get older.

Anyway, I thank you all. Rob LeBlanc was very happy with us. I hope you are all coming back next year!



2009 May 20 7:45 AM

Smitty in Gibsons replied,

Holy HELL, I forgot Greg Mills.


2009 May 20 7:52 AM