
dullay switch anyone got 1?

LBLee posted,

2009 May 8 10:09 PM

switchback replied,

I have lots of both! They are sick! Free shipping in BC!

2009 May 8 10:10 PM

Crash replied,

hi. well heres my quick little review. the dually is extremely GIGANTIC. it almost seems like its to big to be good for anything. sept giant riders. the switch is much better. i had a lot of fun riding that board this past week. i liked the concave paired with the w cave it seemed like it really locks you in to the board. the platform is a bit to big for freeriding, but seems nice for dh if you really need to stretch out in your tuck. i think that the sudden drops are a little to steep though on the board and could be shortened up a bit.
I had problems with railbite, and weight. otherwise it seems like a solid little deck.

2009 May 8 11:29 PM

Jarvis replied,

my freind just got a dually last week,
if you can imagine what it would feel like it's like riding the front half of a chinook on both ends. I didn't get to ride it for very long but it felt wierdly similar to the demonseed. excellent board in my opinion.

2009 May 9 11:05 PM