
Major Props to Nick Meehan!

Mischo posted,

Thanks for you hard work and all the time you spent on the
poster! I think that is one of the coolest and most interesting
posters for an event that I have ever seen! You have got quite
the talent and I would shake my head if you didn't get into
the school you wanted!

Nick, that is one sick poster! Keep it up man. You just made
me happy to see that someone has an eye for this kinda of
stuff! Thanks again for dedicating your time!

2008 March 24 10:50 PM

phil- the surgeon replied,

its FUCKIN SICK!@@@@ awesome poster dude

2008 March 24 11:03 PM

Erik Lundberg replied,

sickest event poster in the history of downhill
skateboarding, makes me wanna come over!!!

2008 March 25 3:25 AM